Happy New Year and What’s Happening Randoms


Welcome 2013!   I am so glad that the new year is here.  Honestly,I don’t feel like I accomplished anything in 2012. Most of the time, I felt as if I was spinning my wheels and not moving. I’m sure if I racked my brain hard enough, I’d be able to think of something.

I shouldn’t have to rack my brain though.

I’m gonna try to do better and be better this year.

This year is a milestone year for me.

I’ll be the BIG 5-0 this year!

Any day above ground is a gift but, I’m really looking forward to turning 50 this year!

I welcome getting older…just want to be as healthy and physically fit as possible while doing it.

Also, this will be my 5th year blogging!

Lawd, how have I been blogging for 5 years!?!

Good ole’ NOLA has helped me with that…she’s always throwing some sort of party.

So what’s happening with me and mine?

Well for starters, my dad has been wonderful!

He’s more like his old self…maybe even better.  He hasn’t been forgetful or argumentative so, that in itself  is a blessed thing.  I think the new meds he’s on are helping him out a lot.  He’s been spoiling PurpleKnight and YellowJacket so, they’re in 7th heaven right about now.

Mardi Gras is in the air!

Oh, I almost forgot that I’m keeping positive carnival karma around me….so,

Krewe of Nyx!

Every time I mention Mardi Gras I’m supposed to say,


It’s to keep positive energy heading this way so, I can move up their waiting list.

Keeping that positive energy out there is slowly paying off.  Take a look at the pic,


I’ve heard from the Krewe!

Don’t break out the umbrellas and start second-lining  just yet though.  I’m a non-riding member of the krewe until I can get a riding spot. I’m happy with that because a lot of women are wishing membership would open up again…at least my foot is in the door. They even sent me a members only t-shirt and I get to go to the events which is cool because

Navy Seal and I are going to the Nyx Myx Masquerade Ball!

Whoo Hoo!

Gotta get all glammed up for that one! Ball Gown,Tuxedo and Mask type of party!!

Finding a dress is gonna be hard as heck because I’m so damned short petite but, I’m gonna find something.

I’m so excited to go!  I can’t wait!

Today is the official start of my countdown to King Cake with 5 days to go!

I’ve decided  to rev up this here ole’ blog a bit and follow the lead of my blog sister, LadyLee and do a giveaway!

That’s right!

I’m going to give away a Randazzo’s Kingcake!


All ya have to do is comment on the posts and I’ll put your name in the hat to be drawn. Each time you comment, I’ll put your name in so, the more, the better. At the end of the week, I’ll draw the name  and announce the winner!

This is the perfect opportunity for anyone who wants a King Cake to get a free one!  If you’ve never had one, here’s your chance to try it!

This is only for folks in the USA though, I can’t ship out of the country.  I’ll have more details regarding the giveaway at the end of the week. It will probably be near the first weekend of Mardi Gras which is Jan 26 th so keep your eyes out for the giveaway post!

PurpleKnight and YellowJacket are fine. They’re doing their own thing now.  They’ve both decided to go to the same college next fall and room together.

Those two ….can’t live with and can’t live without.

I’m glad they’re so close.

My dog-abusing neighbors have moved!


I’m  happy they’re gone.

I’m so glad I rescued my doggie from those crazy folks.

He’s living a wonderful life now.

We have some wonderful people staying in the house now. Real quiet family and respectful of the neighborhood.  Last night they popped fireworks and  swept the street afterwards.

Now that’s some thoughtful neighbors!

That’s all I have for now…I’ll be posting more frequently.

With Mardi Gras season here and the Super Bowl coming, I’m sure I’ll have lots to tell!

Have a blessed 2013 y’all!



 I really appreciate all the wonderful folks who come over to read my blog.

When I first began this blogging stuff, it was basically so that my family members could get information about the kids and the city.

 I never thought I’d end up with such a cool bunch of people, reading about my life in New Orleans. 

So many bloggers have welcomed me into their lil blogging world…

I am truly humbled.  

My lurkers show me so much love.  

Even though they may not leave comments,

they consistently come over to read.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

 To those of you who have added me to your blogroll,  

I am so honored to be there.   

May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a glorious New Year!



and her wrecking crew (NavySeal,PurpleKnight and YellowJacket)




Wishing you and yours a very, very Happy Easter!   It’s gonna be a pretty day down here in the Big Easy. I suspect that I’ll be smelling a whole lotta crawfish boil and charcoal coming from a bunch of  yards today. Me and my crew are going out for dinner today…I’m not cooking. 

Nope, heading to the French Quarters and we’re having dinner at Olivier’s  if it isn’t too crowded. I’ve never been there before  so I wanna give them a play and see how it is. I’ll be blogging about the experience as my restaurant of the month.. which I’ve been seriously slacking  and will be getting back to.

 I have to fix the easter baskets this morning. I always fix four baskets.

The kids each get one (yeah, even at 19 and almost 17, they still look for baskets),

a  house basket (that’s code for… when you’re finish eating all of the  candy in your basket, you can eat the left over candy and it’s in this  basket just sitting around the house)

…and NavySeal’s basket. Yeah, he looks forward to his basket and will pout like a big baby if he doesn’t get it.

I live in a house of spoiled-rotten people.

My baskets are always traditional  NOLA  baskets with Elmer’s candy… like my mom used to make. I fill  it with their favorite jellybeans and some  other stuff but, the base of the basket always start here…

That’s another one of the many Louisiana food culture things…eating Elmer’s candy for Easter.  Ms. Denise  Trowbridge did a wonderful blog about this tradition. 

In addition to their baskets, have to send my brother(The Oracle) his easter candy so, I make sure I purchase enough Heavenly Hash to ship along with his bricks of CDM coffee.

You Louisiana folks would just die if you couldn’t get a care package from home…I’ll tell ya!

Yesterday, the hubby and I went to Petco with  Happy and Dyson for them to get their vaccinations.  It’s probably the first time that, Happy(the rescue dog) ever received them.  

He was so well-behaved. It was super-crowded and he just took it all in stride. I’m still trying to figure out why they abused and neglected him. He is a wonderful dog.  Abusers don’t really need a reason though… do they?

Dyson on the other hand, acted like a donkey!  Growling, barking and acted a plum-nilly fool and then, I noticed his nose started bleeding.

I’ve never had a dog whose nose bled or had seizures before and he’s doing both.

We’re gonna have to get a panel workup on him to see what’s going on. I’m noticing that, it happens every time he’s really excited so, I hope that gives us a clue.

I’m just hoping he doesn’t have a tumor.  We just buried Sassie a year ago…I couldn’t handle another loss.

The second season of Treme begins tonight…can’t wait to see what this season brings and how it will affect those of us who are emotionally tied into it all.

Over at Back-of-Town, they do a really wonderful job of going through each episode and writing about how it affects so many of us. Looking forward to going through another season with you guys!

Well, that’s all I got today…gotta get these baskets done before my people wake up.

Have a wonderful time with family and friends today!


Day 14. This Week

Well, this is an easy one … this week is hectic.  Holidays, holidays, wearing me out.  I’m still  not completely finished with the shopping part. I’m going out today  to wrap it all up. I hate going to Lakeside Mall, it’s always crowded and I’m not big on crowds (unless they’re throwing something to me.) Also, I had to go to a  3 day seminar on Alzheimer’s  for my “crazy gig” because of some new federal regulations. It was like being thrown into a torture chamber for 3 days…seminars are sooooo boring.  I swear, I’d quit that job but it is so entertaining…I’m hooked.  We get some really crazy people coming through those doors.  REALLY crazy, like diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia type of people. Some of the nurses need to go get diagnosed…just sayin’.

The NBA  championship trophy is going about the USA and stopped here at  Office Depot in Harvey. Well, y’all know if we  hear something is going on and we’re out and about…we’re heading there.

Nice shot bruh.   Ya aging really well…60 looks great on you!

Today, I’ll start my prep work for all of that holiday cooking.  That will take up most of the day so, I’ll pull out a few of my favorite movies to keep my company. I seem to watch certain movies when I know I’m gonna be in the kitchen for a few hours . The Godfather I & II, Jaws, Tombstone and Cleopatra (with Liz Taylor and Richard Burton) usually lead the pack. I’ve added a new movie to the mix, one of my favorite 80’s movies…SIXTEEN CANDLES with Molly Ringwald. I love that darned movie!

It’s gonna be cold (well, cold for here) on Christmas so, I’m fixing gumbo!!!  I just love to eat gumbo when it’s chilly outside….reminds me of my mom.

The kids are shaking the shit outta the presents under the tree…trying to guess what’s in them.  They’re almost 17 and 19 years old and they’re still excited over them like two toddlers.   I love the fact that, my kids are still kids.  So many of them grow up so fast today…I’m glad they really enjoy being kids.

Gotta work Christmas day…uuugh.

Well, that’s all  I got….time to get this party started.



Wishing all of you wonderful father’s out there in blogland ( some pretty awesome guys read my blog)

A VERY HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!!!!    Enjoy your day!!

Gotta post early since some of us (me) have to work .sigh.

Special shout-out to the men in my life….you guys are beyond great…love you!

yellow jacket and dad

Navy Seal and Purple Knight

NavySeal and Purple Knight

Brother #6 and family.

Brother #5 and daughter

brother #3 and family

WDW 1970's with dad

yellow jacket and her grandpa