Hoppy Anniversary Moo!

If anyone would’ve come up to me and said I would be a fur mom to a rabbit I would have said they were out of their mind.

Yet, here I am…a fur mom to a rabbit.



I’ve been having my lil Moo Moo for 4 years now and before I was forced to take her  inherited her, I had no idea that rabbits had so much personality and were so smart.

I was able to potty train her in one day.

Who knew?!

I’ve been bitten by the “Bunny Bug”  so now I’m in the rabbit world…buying all sorts or rabbit stuff, learning bunny body language, and viewing bunnies on Instagram. 

I spoil her rotten, but look at her!

She’s so cute!


The only downside to having her is that rabbits  LOVE to chew on anything.

I found out the hard way when she attacked my wall so I had to “bunny proof” her play area.

She’s a joy to have hopping around though. I wouldn’t trade her for anything.


Hoppy 4th Anniversary Moo! 
