Is This Thing On?


I’m back!
My computer bit the dust and it took me a minute to get around getting a new one.

Actually, the hubby got tired of me not blogging and gave me a new computer and camera for Mother’s Day.

How sweet is that?!

Annnnd… I can see the letters on this darned computer!!

This must be a computer for geriatric eyes…lol

I really considered putting this ole’ blog to rest. It was more than missing mojo, it just wasn’t fun anymore. It started to feel like work. At first I thought it was because I was running out of topics to blog about.
Then I realized, it was more than that.

I had begun to edit myself.

That’s something I did not do when I started blogging 6 years ago.
I just wrote whatever I wanted and it felt great.

Somewhere along the way, I began editing my material. And I know that as bloggers, we don’t put everything out into the universe but, I found myself not blogging about things I would have otherwise told you all about.
I think it’s because a few people who I used to work with found my blog.  I didn’t want to give up too much information about myself (which is weird because my brother reads my blog and knows more about me than anyone.)
However, I never wanted any information that I put on here about myself (or anything that wasn’t NOLA related) to suddenly end up being “water cooler gossip” and so I began the editing process.

Well…no more of that dumb shit.

Not only was it blocking my blogging flow, I wasn’t being true to who I really am.
I think a lot of people who read my blog, come around because the ole’ bayoucreole just lays it on the line…at least I try to.
Heck, you all know what happened when I lost my virginity so, it’s safe to say…you all know a lot about me…lol

And I love that.

Hopefully, this blog will still be in the universe long after I’m gone.

So…what’s the dillio?

Well, the city has been busy. We’re in the midst of festival season. I went to the French Quarter Fest but, I didn’t take any pics because I knew I wouldn’t be blogging it. The Jazz Fest ended last weekend. I didn’t go this year…and the weather was beautiful the entire fest.  Go figure. It usually rains, but because I didn’t go…clear skies.

Saturday, I attended a fairly new event in the city, Le Diner en Blanc.

It’s  like a flash mob picnic in white. This was its second year in NOLA, ya’ll know I’m going to tell you all about it!

This weekend is Bayou Boogaloo!

I love this event!

Sitting along the Bayou…eating,drinking and listening to great music…that’s me all day!

The following weekend is The Food and Wine Experience.

I didn’t go last year… I’m ready to go this year though!!

I’ll be blogging’em  so, stay tuned!

What else I got?


The beginning stage of Mardi Gras has begun. The part where members of carnival krewes renew their membership and/or invite new members into the krewe. I’ve renewed my membership with Nyx!


I think the krewe will hit around 1500 members this year.

That’s a lot of women riding!

Mardi Gras is my favorite time of  year in the city…can’t wait for it to roll around.

Y’all know I love me some king cake…lol

And two new carnival krewes are trying to get permits to roll in 2015…both of them are all female krewes. The Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale and the Krewe of Athena. It’s going to be interesting to see if they get a permit to hit the streets. And, I’m really curious to see how these two krewes are going to be compared to the other all female krewes.

One of them is about to create history as the first all female, majority black krewe. Zulu is majority black, but it’s all men. There has never been one with all females.The more I think about it,The Mystic Krewe of Femme Fatale is actually the first since they were established last year and they’ve already held their inauguration gala. They just need to get a permit to roll.

I’m loving the empty nest syndrome….NOW.

Although, I can’t lie, it took me a hot minute to get used to it. I was so accustomed to ripping and running with my kids that when I didn’t have to do it anymore, I went through some emotional stuff. The house is quiet and that in itself took some adjusting to. Also, I had to adjust my mother role to becoming more of a mentor and advisor than the person calling all the shots cuz…

they grown now y’all! *sniff,sniff*

YellowJacket will be 20 in 2 months and PurpleKnight will be 22 this week.

Lawd, where did the time go?

I think we’ve all reached the point where we can co-exist without driving each other batty.

It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be though. I fully appreciate what my mom went through each time one of us left the nest.

Ok, what else?

Y’all know how I love my lil birdies right? I still have parrots and blue jays coming in the yard.

But, did I tell y’all that I have BALD EAGLES around the corner from me?!!

Yep! And they mated and so, I have babies…well, if you can call those huge big birds babies…lol

The nest has been around for while but, once I began researching  eagles and watching eagles nests throughout the nation via webcams, I noticed that, all the eagles were laying eggs and the eggs were hatching around the same time…March and April. So,I decided to check to see if I could spot a chick or two in the nest by me. At first I couldn’t but, when the hubby purchased a camera for me and I was able to get a fantastic view of the nest and I was able to spot the lil bugger!

baby eagle There are actually two chicks in the nest,


Here’s a pic of mom and dad keeping watch and the babies are in the nest,

eagle family


She was looking dead at me...daring me to get I didn't.
She was looking dead at me…daring me to get closer…lol I didn’t.

Having an eagle’s nest around the corner from the house is pretty darned amazing. Don’t cha think? Although, I can see why they picked the location. I’m one mile away from Lake Pontchartrain  and Industrial Canal is right here as well. And here’s the  where the nest is located,


I don’t blame them for building a nest there…. I’d live there too! They have all the fish they can handle around here!

What else?

My health.

I’ve been a bad Bayoucreole. I’m really having a hard time turning my diet around. I’ve tried to eat better but…it’s harder than I thought.

It’s the sweets. I have to find a substitute. Something that will kill the cravings.

And I need to exercise more.

I’ve been lazy lately… I need to walk more.

Not too long ago I was walking 3 miles a day. Somewhere along the way, I fell off and I haven’t been able to get back on the horse.

I guess I need to get my walking mojo back as well.

I’m trying…I’m trying.

I need to pick a day and blog about it so I can keep track of my progress…

or lack thereof.

Well y’all, that’s all I got for right now.

Gotta get out in this city and give you good people something to read…lol

Love you guys…have a good one!






(Semi) Wordless Wednesday

Good Wednesday to ya!!

I’m not looking forward to the weekend, I’ve enjoyed my time away from the crazy gig.

Lately, I”ve been spending a lot of time outside  in my garden…chillin.

And watching the birds.

I guess that makes me a  bird watcher  now.

They’ve been hanging around a lot lately.

The other day I happened to look outside and spotted a flock of Parrots eating from the feeder.


Where the heck did they come from?

I don’t know, but I love having them around.

The first morning I spotted them, I had six in the yard.

This morning, I had 24 parrots in my yard!


They’re so pretty!

After doing a little research, I found out that these are Quaker Parrots,

Apparently, there was a large nest of them last year in Westwego.

I guess they decided to cross the river.

birds parrots 016


My dad can’t believe we have parrots visiting our yard.

It really is amazing.

And to have 24 of them coming around…

yeah, that’s awesome!





I wonder what other birds will find out about my lil habitat.

