And All That Jazz

The hubs and I hit the Jazz Fest yesterday!

Thanks to a wonderful nurse I work with, I was able to get a two for one hook up.

Man, was I ever grateful for that because, at $65 a person to get in at the gate and $20 for parking, I don’t know if I would have been there.

I like my festivals free!

Thursday was a great day to be out there.

It was a locals day with plenty of school kids and folks who played hooky from work.

This weekend is going to be a madhouse…way too many people for me.

We were able to walk around and really take in the food and music at our leisure.

Won’t be able to do that  this weekend with wall-to-wall people.

We hit the fest when the gates opened at  11 a.m. and I walked right on to the first dish I wanted to try,

That darned Crawfish Monica!  Everyone raves about this dish at the fest so, there was no way I was gonna go there and not sample it.

This dish is soooooo goooood!

It’s slap yo’ momma good!

NavySeal had a Cuban Sandwich which was da bomb!

Made with pulled pork, ham, cheese and mustard. It was put on flat bread and grilled.


We didn’t run across any bad food dishes at all.

Some of ’em we weren’t  able to take pics of because we were just too busy grubbing.

We did get to try the infamous Crawfish Bread though and get a pic before we devoured it!

The music out there was fabulous!

There’s about 7 or 8 different stages (maybe more I don’t remember) each with their own flavor of music,

Zydeco, Brass Band, Dixieland,Gospel,etc.,

We hit them all.

Something else you won’t be able to do this weekend….

move from stage to stage with ease.

The crowd will be 3 times worse than this over the weekend. And with Maze closing out one stage and Rockin’ Dopsie closing out another it’s gonna be really hectic.

thank goodness for jumbo trons!
Acura stage

Did I mention it was a sunny 85 degrees out there?

Make sure you have your sunscreen on before you head out there.

NavySeal turns  red as a crawfish if he doens’t use it so, I always bring it with me

just in case he forgets.

NavySeal trying to keep the sweating to a minimum.
folks getting their mist on!

The thing I love most about the festivals is watching people  have a great time.

Life is just too short to be always working and worried about bills and stuff.

Get out and ENJOY YOUR LIFE!

It doesn’t always require going on a vacation.

dancing in the economy hall tent
hula hoopin’ in the humidity
can you have TOO much fun?

Life is for the living!

I even got me a Jazz Fest flag!

jazz fest flag

I’d notice them at various houses around the city and made sure I got one when I went.

We spent about 5 hours out there and then left because, my sinuses just couldn’t take the grass, pollen and smoke anymore.

Last week, I went to the doctor for my yearly celestone shot for these horrible sinuses of mine and didn’t want a relapse so we left.

Also, we had plans to go to the midnight showing of  The Avengers.

We purchased our tickets Thursday at 4 p.m. and three of the four screens were already sold out!

We got to the theatre last night at 9:30 and folks were already lined up…wow.

By 10:30, all the seats were filled except the ones right in front of the screen…wayyy in the front.

Those poor folks who thought they were early by showing up at 11:00 p.m. were miffed cuz who wants to sit in those seats?


 If you’re into Marvel Comics, you won’t be disappointed.

Just make sure you don’t leave when the credits starts rolling.

 There’s always something special after the first set of credits.

Navy Week was last week. I didn’t do a post on it but, I think I may backtrack and post one next week about it.

The Bayou Boogaloo Festival is in two weeks and The Food and Wine Experience is the week after.

I’ll be there…y’all know my mantra,

Get Busy Living!